150+ Slogans On Saving Electricity
A stitch in time saves energy.
Afraid of the future? Then conserve energy today.
All human being have the right to have electricity.
Be Cool – Save Energy and Fuel.
Be polite, turn off that light.
Be the energy saver for earth favour.
Change your light bulbs or the planet gets it.
Cherish the earth through energy conservation.
Conservation, not Deprivation.
Conservation: It doesn’t cost. It saves.
Conserve energy and make life better, cooler, and brighter.
Conserve energy, achieve synergy.
Conserve energy, reserve life on the earth.
Conserve energy, save money.
Dark future for energy wasters.
Do right. Save light!
Do the Earth a favour. Be a power saver.
Do what’s right, turn off the light!
Don’t abuse electricity.
Don’t be a thug, pull the plug.
Don’t make me flicker! Turn off the Light!
Don’t waste energy, you will regret it.
Electricity – Use it don’t abuse it …!!
Electricity saver rocks.
Energy can’t be created but it can be destroyed. Save it!
Energy earns or simply burns, the choice is yours.
Energy is precious, save it.
Energy is the most vital resource, just save it.
Energy misused cannot be excused.
Energy protection isn’t an alternative it’s the main choice.
Energy saved is energy produced.
Energy saved today is an asset for the future.
Energy serves you the way you deserve.
Every machine needs electricity, don’t waste it.
Follow all the possible rules to save energy.
For the best future, don’t waste electricity.
For the future of our kids.
Give the earth a hug, pull the plug.
Go Solar to Save Polar.
I love to save electricity.
If we don’t change, tomorrow we will be literally ‘power’ less.
If you are cool, you won’t waste energy.
If you want to make a change, start with saving electricity.
Imagine life without electricity, don’t waste it.
Imagine the world without electricity.
Imagine your life without electricity.
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