11 Vegetables That Start With Letter D – The Alphabet Game
Are you looking for vegetables that start with letter D? You have found the right place. Let’s have a look at some well-known and some less-known vegetables that begin with D.
1) Daikon
- Daikon is mild-flavored winter radish.
- It’s originally native to continental East Asia.
- Daikon is used in Vietnamese, Indian, Pakistani, or Filipino cuisine.

2) Dill
- Fresh and dried dill leaves are widely used as herbs in Europe and Central Asia.
- Dill leaves are aromatic and are used to flavor many foods such as various fish dishes, soups, or pickles.

3) Dasheen
- Originates from New Zealand.
- It is a food staple in African, Oceanic, and South Asian cultures.
- The natural sugars give it a sweet, nutty flavor.

4) Dandelion
- The entire plant, including the leaves, stems, flowers, and roots, is edible and nutritious.
- Dandelion greens have been a part of traditional Spanish, Italian, Albanian, Slovenian, Chinese, or Korean cuisines.

5) Daylily
- Used in Chinese cuisine (as gum jum or yellow flower vegetables).
- Used in hot and sour soups, daylily soup, Buddha’s delight, moo shu pork.

6) Delicata Squash
- It’s a variety of winter squash.
- Most commonly baked, but can also be microwaved, sautéed or steamed.
- Has creamy flavor and texture.

7) Dolichos Bean
- Often grown as forage for livestock and as an ornamental plant.
- Sometimes used both as a medicinal plant and a poisonous plant.

8) Drumstick
- Used as vegetables and traditional herbal medicine.
- The taste is similar to asparagus, with a hint of green beans, though sweeter.

9) Dulse
- Dulse is a seaweed (sea vegetable) with salty flower.
- Often consumed as a snack or as a topping for salads, potatoes or popcorn.

10) Dinosaur kale
- Has a long tradition in Italian cuisine.
- Its taste is slightly sweeter and more delicate than curly kale.
- It’s called dinosaur kale because its bumpy leaves may resemble what dinosaur skin looked like.

11) Dabberlocks
- Dubberlocks is edible seaweed (sea vegetable).
- It’s is a traditional food along the coasts of the far north Atlantic Ocean – in Greenland, Iceland, Scotland, and Ireland.

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