15 Fruits That Start With Letter I – The Alphabet Game
Are you looking for fruits that start with letter I? You have found the right place. There aren’t many well-known fruits, however, we bring you a list of 15 less-known fruits that begin with I.
1) Icaco
- Found near sea beaches and inland throughout tropical Africa, tropical Americas, the Caribbean, southern Florida, and the Bahamas.
- Almost tasteless to mildly sweet flavor.
- Sometimes used for jam.

2) ilama
- Tropical fruit tree found in Central America.
- Looks like giant lychee.
- Green ilama is sweet and pink ilama is bitter and tart.
- Don’t confuse the name with llama animal.

3) Imbe
- Grows in tropical Africa.
- Looks like a hybrid between cherry and mango.

4) Ice Apple
- Native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.
- Robust tree and can reach a height of 30 meters (98 ft).
- Similar to lychee but with a milder flavor and no pit.

5) Inga Edulis
- Alternative name – Ice Cream Bean Fruit
- Originally comes from Peru.
- Grows as large as 2 metres long.
- Tastes like vanilla ice cream.

6) illawarra Plum
- Can be found in Australia.
- Looks similar to overfed blueberry.
- Tastes like a plum.

7) Indonesian Lime
- Its fruit and leaves are used in Southeast Asian cuisine.
- Its essential oil is used in perfumery.

8) Indian Almond
- Grows in tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and Australia.
- Tastes similar to almonds.

9) Indian Strawberry
- Native to eastern and southern Asia.
- Introduced to many other areas as a medicinal and an ornamental plant, subsequently naturalizing in many regions worldwide.
- Less delicious than wild strawberries.

10) Indian Fig
- Grows in Indian subcontinent.
- Looks like a hybrid between pear and cactus.

11) Indian Prune (Plum)
- Native to China, India, and much of Southeast Asia.
- Looks like a giant cranberry.
- Sweet taste and chewy texture.

12) Indian Gooseberry
- Grows in Indian subcontinent.
- Bigger version of gooseberry with similar taste.
- Used in medicine because it contains a lot of vitamin C, antioxidants, iron, and calcium.

13) Indian Jujube
- Grows in tropics in Southern Africa, Middle East, India, China, Australasia, and the Pacific Islands.
- It’s used as a natural treatment for insomnia and believed to alleviate stress and anxiety.
- It’s rich on minerals and vitamins.

14) Indian Persimmon
- Grows in Indian subcontinent.
- Tastes sweet, mild, and rich. Some describe the taste as „honey-like“.
- It’s full of nutrients such as thiamin, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, and phosphorous.

15) Indian Sherbet Berry
- Originally from India.
- Become naturalized in Australia and the Philippines.
- Tastes sweet and sour.

Read also: 11 Vegetables That Start With Letter D – The Alphabet Game