753 Best Comments for Couples Pictures (to Please Them)
Do you want to please a couple? Here is a list of the best comments for couples pictures on Instagram, Facebook or other social media you can copy and paste!
We have divided these couples comments into several categories – cute, creative, funny, romantic, quotes and more…
Obsah / Contents
Cute Comments for Couples Pictures
- You both appear to be so much in love that you would make the lovebirds shy!
- You two are describing… what true love looks like.
- Hey! You guys look so amazing together.
- Your love is inspiring. This is what true love is.
- Your cute pictures restore my faith in true love in this world full of deceit and hatred.
- You people define what love looks like and how a relationship should be.
- Congrats on being my favorite couple ever.
- Just love to see you two together.
- Wishing you should stay long and long with the same cute love.
- There is nothing real than your hearts skipping beats for each other.
- Two people but one soul! You two were made for each other.
- This is what you can call a perfect pair.
- You couple are as beautiful outside as inside.
- Life is not perfect, but the two of you are.
- We can feel the romance just by looking at your picture.
- Your pair is made in heaven.
- Can you both stop looking so perfect for one another! We are all so jealous!
- The cutest couple I have ever seen.
- Looks like you’re made for each other.
- Never leave each other, you are both perfect when together.
- Lovely Couple.
- The smiles between both are like nature’s scenery.
- You are the truly unforgettable couple I have ever seen.
- You complement one another in every way possible.
- Looking great together as always.
- So nice to see a wonderful couple like this.
- Look at you guys, such a wonderful couple!
- Hey, you guys ought to warn us before posting something cute like this.
- You both look so good together.
- People say there is no life without love, but I say there is no love that is as beautiful as yours.

Romantic Comments for Couples Pictures
- You two are destined to share your amazing life together.
- Truly admire your love and respect for each other.
- Your love and passion for one another are truly breathtaking and mesmerizing.
- You are the definition of lovely couple
- Yes, that’s what you call true love.
- You guys are looking so cute, seriously very cute.
- There are many couple pics out there, but yours makes the perfect one.
- If I looked up ‘true love’ in the dictionary, I’m sure I would see this picture.
- Looking excessively incredible together.
- I have no comments for this couple. Such pure souls! Hope you guys have more loving days ahead.
- You have no idea but your relationship is inspiring to many.
- Romantic vibes only.
- You’re meant for each other.
- I’ve seen many couple pictures, but never a couple more perfect than you both.
- How can anyone look so perfect together?
- Seriously my heart melts seeing you both together.
- I never believed in true love, but that was until I saw you both together.
- I’m short of words to describe how great you two look together.
- You guys epitomize love even more than Romeo and Juliet.
- Your love is an inspiration for others.
- What a great picture of you two.
- A nice couple made from heaven.
- It is hard to find a beautiful couple like this one.
- May you both create lots of great memories in life.
- You both are simply phenomenal together. I hope you never have to part ways!
- Hope you two achieve every single dream together.
- I love seeing you two together.
- How do you guys do it? I mean your love is truly a miracle.
- Would we be able to discuss how you two are adorable?
- What a beautiful smile! May you two keep each other happy just like this!

Funny Comments for Couples Pictures
- I’m going to sound really cheesy, but I think you two are great.
- Hate you both, your pictures remind me how lonely I am.
- I don’t know if you know this, but you guys won the Hottest Couple award. Congrats!
- So glad to see that the two of you have stuck to each other. Thanks to the adhesive glue called love.
- Can we taco ‘bout how cute you two are?
- Today must be my lucky day. I just woke up to a cute picture of the happiest couple today!
- Hey, you need to stop posting such wonderful pictures. I am so jealous!
- I would definitely see your picture whenever I looked up for the best couple.
- This picture is the only proof you need against humanity to prove that you are a match made in heaven.
- Even the sun will come to see you at night time.
- Romeo and Juliet of the 21st century. Whoa, that’s a fact.
- Next time, when someone argues that ‘true love never exists’, I will share a link to your page.
- Love is a game, and the two of you play it better.
- You guys look like Romeo and Juliet, the only difference is that you got married!
- I announce you two as the official winner of the ‘cutest couple competition’.
- Who said true love can be found in movies only?
- Seeing you two together is like watching a Disney movie in real life.
- If I Google ‘true love’ on the internet, I am sure I would find this photo. Bravo!
- You two should organize a wedding immediately. I have never come across such a perfect duo.
- This pic will inspire hundreds. But thousands will feel jealous
- Even the moon will come in the daytime to see you both
- Your pics will make someone feel alone.
- There is nothing real than your hearts skipping beats for each other.
- I’m so glad you both swiped right.
- #CoupleGoals in that spot.
- Brace yourself, another ‘partner-in-crime status’ coming up.
- I have never been this excited for true love and a slice of wedding cake soon.
- You are looking colorful and attractive than the rainbow.
- What an extraordinary couple! Aren’t you guys the best couple or what?
- Can I borrow your pic? I need to convince someone, “I’ve found true love”.

Creative / Unique Comments on Couples Pictures
- Seeing you two together is like watching a Disney movie in real life.
- The smiles between both are like nature’s scenery.
- Keep shining, with your love
- You two look like angels. May your life be as pure as your souls!
- A picture tells us what love means. I can see it and you are simply superb.
- How can you look so perfect together? It’s not possible.
- C’mon guys, you can’t be so good-looking together!
- Your couple pics restore the faith in true love for many out there.
- You are amazing and I’m saying this with all my heart and soul.
- Nowadays perfect couple pics are in short, keep updating yours.
- So glad to see that the two of you have stuck to each other. Thanks to the adhesive glue called love.
- I want to write a poem for you both. But I am not a poet.
- Even the sun will come to see you at night time.
- I would definitely see your picture whenever I looked up for the best couple.
- This pic is enough to know that true love succeeds in the end.
- When you are together the rest of the world melts away.
- The cutest peas in a pod I’ve at any point seen.
- Love indeed is in the air.
- Hey guys, are you an embodiment of love at first sight?
- Even the moon will come in the daytime to see you both.
- How can anyone look so awesome together! This can’t be true.
- I’m certain, your pic will motivate numerous to experience passionate feelings for once more.
- God, after writing your love story: This is truly a masterpiece!
- Hey, I need some relationship advice from you. Are you listening?
- You both are amazing. Keep rocking.
- Smiles on your faces are more valuable than the entire budget of the event.
- You both are God gifted couples.
- True love is always omnipresent in your pictures.
- Replica of Romeo and Juliet.
- I must be the Grinch, because my heart just grew three sizes looking at this pic.

Short Comments on Couples Pictures
- Best wishes for a new journey.
- You both are simply wow.
- Romantic vibes only.
- I feel happy for you both.
- Lovely couple.
- Feeling so happy for you.
- You guys, complete each other.
- Meant for each other.
- Perfect match.
- Two heads, one heart.
- Dream couple.
- I see true love all in your pictures.
- My favorite couple ever.
- Made from heaven.
- Ideal and the coolest couple.
- Such a good-looking couple.
- This is what love means.
- Awesome pair.
- You guys depict what love really is.
- Sweet Couple.
- You couple are as beautiful outside as inside.
- You look great together.
- May you both create lots of great memories in life.
- Love forever.
- This is the definition of love.
- Born to love each other.
- The cutest couple of the year.
- Happy ever after story.
- Looking great together.
- What a match.

Comments for Couples Pictures – Quotes
- “Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.” – Richard Bach
- “Life can be strange – a person who once was a stranger across the room is now the love of your life.” – Andy Atticus
- “Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
- “Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell.” – Joan Crawford
- “True love is rare, and it’s the only thing that gives life real meaning.” – Nicholas Sparks
- “If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.” – Princess Diana
- “We loved with a love that was more than love.” – Edgar Allan Poe
- “There is always some madness in love. But there is always some reason for madness.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
- “Love is a two-way street constantly under construction.” – Carroll Bryant
- “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” – John Lennon
- “Love doesn’t make the world go around. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones
- “We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” – Sam Keen, To love and Be Loved
- “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” – Carl Jung
- “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou
- “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily Bronte
- “A simple ‘I love you’ means more than money.” Frank Sinatra
- “Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” Oprah Winfrey
- “The giving of love is an education in itself.” Eleanor Roosevelt
- “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” – Hellen Keller
- “I believe that two people are connected at heart, and it doesn’t matter what you do, or who you are, or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.” – Julia Roberts
- “Where there is love there is life.” Mahatma Gandhi
- “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn
- “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss
- “Love lets you find those hidden places in another person.” – Hilary T. Smith
- “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” – Harry (Billy Crystal), from When Harry Met Sally
- “Love cures people – both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.” – Karl Menninger
- “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu
- “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” – Aristotle
- “There are lots of people who can call you by your name, but there is only one person who can make it sound so special.” – Kim Jarabelo
- “You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed. Forever.” – Love & Other Drugs
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