Hello All,

Hope you all had a productive June month.  It has been three days since July started, and time to recap what I did on June and how to improve areas that didn’t work.

If you haven’t read my earlier posts, please check these links on my June goals and how I progressed till the mid of month.


I have been practicing to write. So I set myself the below goals at the beginning of June 2016.

Goals:Write 15 Articles for Quotes Master, Write 800 to 1000 words each weekday.

At the end of the month, I am very happy to say that I have stick to both of these goals. I have published below fifteen articles on Quotes master.

I have also managed to write article every week day. If you see below I have been consistent throughout in this habit. I have written less than 800 words only for few days.


Goal: Finish off the remaining 90-day challenge.

Next area I wanted to focus on the beginning of June was health and fitness. I have been doing an exercise challenge for the past 90 days. When I began June 2016, I was on the 60th day of the challenge.  On June I finished 27 days of the challenge.

So at present I am at 87th day of the overall challenge. Still, three days to finish off the rest of the workouts. I am very happy with the progress. Though I didn’t finish the goal completely I stick to it more than 80% of the time. That’s something.


Goal: Clean my personal email account inbox by setting the timer for 10 minutes each weekday.

One of my grey areas in life is organizing stuff. Marriage, busy work schedule, back to back delivery made me lethargic. One fine morning I realized that there is only clutter around me. I became an eternal procrastinator when it comes to cleaning and organizing. I need to do something to clear all the stuff I have accumulated all these years. That’s how I began this decluttering project.

On June I wanted to clear my mailbox. When I started, 5000 + odd emails started at me. It got accumulated over the period of past 7 years. My oldest email dated back to 2009.

I am happy to say that I have cleared off my entire Inbox. I have unsubscribed from tons of newsletter, deleted heaps of emails from social media, useless forums and sneaky spammers.

I moved all relevant emails to respective folders and archived them. It is a big achievement. Still I need to spend time on clearing each of these folders when needed. But I am happy that my inbox looks pretty and clean.


Goal: Read 15 minutes every day other than research material.

This is the only goal, which I can do without depleting my willpower. I love to read. And yes, I spent lots of hours on reading books this month and that is outside the research work I did for my work.

Spending time with kids

Goal: Take kids out on every weekend.

There were four weekends on June 2016. Me and kids went out three weeks and had fun time. It was very refreshing compared to the busy weekdays. More than kids, to be honest, I loved the outing time.

On the third weekend, both of my kids fell sick, so we didn’t go out. That’s about this goal.

Financial Planning

Goal: Learn 5 Tips to Save Money

I didn’t do much about finance on June 2016. I saved 20% of the money which I earlier used to spend for house hold expenses alone. Other than that I read few books about the basics of finance like budgeting, investing, tracking..etc. I read couple of basic tips on where to begin. Rest I need to improve. I didn’t even attain 50% of this goal.

I should focus on this area in the coming months.

That’s all for June. Personally, I faced huge issue on my work. Most of the June passed in resolving the work issue. In spite of that, I manage to stick to the goals and the habits I want to create to reach them. It has been a win for me.

Writing down the goals here, and making me accountable for it, is the single most reason why I am able to focus on my goals, when my work threw me up off-guard. Also, when I face tough time, it is okay to slip, but what matters most is how quickly I should regain the balance. These are the valuable lessons I learnt this month

Now time to tell about your goals and results. Drop your comments and discuss your progress.



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